This service takes the ActivityPub activities in the inbox of subscribers, turns them into notification using the ActivityMappingService and send a digest email to the subscribers.
- DigestSubscriptionService
1. Create subscriptions
First you need to create subscriptions using the digest.subscription
This sub-service use the TripleStoreAdapter so you can use methods like create
, update
, remove
, etc, of Moleculer's Database Adapters.
The following properties are available:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
webId | [String] | required | URL of actor who is subscribed |
frequency | [String] | required | Must match one of the DigestService frequency settings (see below) |
email | [String] | Email to send the digest to. If not provided, will use the user account's email | |
locale | [String] | Locale to translate the notifications and the template. If not provided, will use the user account's locale |
Here's an example of a call to create a subscription:
this.broker.call('digest.subscription.create', {
webId: 'http://localhost:3000/users/alice',
email: 'alice@mydomain.com',
frequency: 'daily'
You may add other properties, which can be available in the email template (through a subscription
object) or in the filterNotification
method (see below).
2. Add mappings for the activities
If you want an activity to appear in the digest, it must be mapped using the ActivityMappingService
If you use the default template provided, the following properties should be mapped:
Here's an example:
const { ActivityMappingService } = require('@semapps/activitypub');
module.exports = {
mixins: [ActivityMappingService],
settings: {
mappers: [
match: {
type: 'Announce',
object: {
type: 'Create',
object: {
type: 'Event'
mapping: {
category: 'New Events',
title: '{{activity.object.object.name}}',
description: '{{activity.object.object.description}}',
image: '{{activity.object.object.image}}',
actionName: 'View',
actionLink: '{{activity.object.object.url}}'
You may map other properties, which will be available in a custom template or passed to the filterNotification
method (see below).
3. Setup the DigestNotificationsService
const { DigestNotificationsService } = require('@semapps/notifications');
const QueueMixin = require('moleculer-bull');
module.exports = {
mixins: [DigestService, QueueMixin('redis://localhost:6379/0')],
settings: {
frequencies: {
daily: '0 0 17 * * *', // Everyday at 5pm
timeZone: 'Europe/Paris',
subscriptionsDataset: 'settings',
// The following settings are from the moleculer-mail mixin used to send emails
// See https://github.com/moleculerjs/moleculer-addons/tree/master/packages/moleculer-mail
from: `"My service" <myservice@mydomain.com>`,
transport: {},
// Directory with the template. It looks for a template named 'digest'
templateFolder: path.join(__dirname, '../templates'),
// Global data to be used in the template
data: {}
methods: {
// Optional method called for each notification
// Return true if you want the notification to be included in the digest
async filterNotification(notification, subscription, notifications) {
return true;
If you want some notifications to be sent immediately in single mails, and others in a digest, you should add a new property to the mappings (for example:
immediate: true/false
) and use thefilterNotification
method in both services to differentiate the notifications.