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This mixin allows you to import elements from HumHub.


const { HumHubImporterMixin } = require('@semapps/importer');

module.exports = {
name: 'my-importer',
mixins: [HumHubImporterMixin],
settings: {
source: {
humhub: {
baseUrl: null, // Base URL of the HumHub instance
jwtToken: null, // JWT token to access the API
type: null // 'user', 'space', 'calendar', 'post'
// ... see ImporterMixin settings for other source config available
dest: {
containerUri: null, // Container where the data will be posted (must be created already)
predicatesToKeep: [], // Don't remove these predicates when updating data
activitypub: {
actorUri: null, // ActivityPub actor who will post activities on synchronization (leave null to disable this)
activities: ['Create', 'Update', 'Delete'] // The activities you want to be posted by the actor
cronJob: {
time: null, // '0 0 4 * * *' for every night at 4am
timeZone: 'Europe/Paris'
methods: {
transform(data) {

Generate a JWT token

The HumHub Rest API doesn't automatically generate a JWT token. Follow these steps to generate one:

  • In the HumHub REST API configuration:
    • Enable access to a user of your choice
    • Note the JWT key (this is not the JWT token !)
  • Edit the account of the user you have chosen
    • Note the UID of the user in the URL
  • Go to
    • At the top of the form, select "HS512" as the algorithm
    • In the "Payload" section, enter a JSON with the UID of the user: { "uid": 227 }
    • In the "Verify signature" section, replace "your-512-bit-secret" with the JWT key you previously copied
    • Your JWT token is now on the left part of form ("Encoded")