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Field Components

New React-Admin fields to be used in SemApps projects.


npm install @semapps/field-components --save



Display the user avatar in a round image and a label below.

import { Show, SimpleShowLayout, ReferenceArrayField } from 'react-admin';
import { GridList } from '@semapps/list-components';
import { AvatarWithLabelField } from '@semapps/field-components';

const PersonShow = props => (
<Show {...props}>
<ReferenceArrayField reference="Person" source="friendOf">
<GridList xs={6} sm={4} md={2} linkType="show">
<AvatarWithLabelField image="image" label="label" />
labelFunction or StringrequiredA function which takes a record and returns a label, or the property to use
imageFunction or StringrequiredA function which takes a record and returns an image, or the property to use
defaultLabelStringDefault label used if label is empty
fallbackFunction or StringA function which takes a record and returns a fallback image, or the property to use
externalLinkBooleanfalseIf true, will display an icon next to the label showing this is an external link


Display a list of MUI Chips, with an icon, color and label which depends on the domain of URLs provided. Domain mapping is provided for:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • OpenCollective

If no mapping is found, it will display a standard chip.

You can pass your own mapping through the domainMapping prop, with an object with this shape:

import GitHubIcon from '@material-ui/icons/GitHub';

const domainMapping = {
'': {
label: 'GitHub',
icon: <GitHubIcon />,
color: 'black',
contrastText: 'white'


Same as React-Admin ReferenceArrayField but, if the user has a acl:Append right on the resource, he will have the possibility to add a new relationship through a modal.

import { Show, SimpleShowLayout } from 'react-admin';
import { QuickAppendReferenceArrayField } from '@semapps/field-components';
import { ChipList } from '@semapps/list-components';

const PersonShow = props => (
<Show {...props}>
<QuickAppendReferenceArrayField reference="Topic" source="interestedBy">
<ChipList primaryText="label" linkType="show" />

Note: If the user has a acl:Append right, this component pass a appendLink to its child. The child is responsible for displaying the link. Currently only the ChipList component display such a link (through a + icon), but you can create your own list component.


Same as React-Admin ReferenceArrayField but, if there is a single value, transform the string into an array. Also, if the value is dereferenced, only keep it's @id.


Same as React-Admin ReferenceArrayField but, if the value is dereferenced, only keep it's @id.


Displays a list of resources separated by a comma or another string of choice.

<ReferenceArrayField reference="Project" source="hasTopic">
<TextField source="label" />
separatorString", "The string used to separate the resources
linkString or Boolean"edit""edit" or "show" to show a link, false otherwise.